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DYA Molloy Celebrates November 2017 Vespers at Amityville Dominican Motherhouse

The tradition continues! For the third year in a row, vespers for the month of November (at the Motherhouse of the Amityville Dominicans) were celebrated and led by the Molly Chapter of Dominican Young Adults USA.

The tradition began in 2016 as part of the celebration of the 800th Anniversary of the Dominican Order. When entrance antiphon began and the presider and preacher processed into St. Albert the Great Chapel one could feel the room was filled with great excitement.

Jesus’ Parable of the Talents was the day’s Gospel, in which he heads us to use our God-given talents, lest they go to waste. Rest assured, they did not go to waste! DYA Molloy is blessed with young adults with beautiful voices who led all in attendance in the songs and psalms. It was evident looking around the chapel at the sisters and associates as well as the parents and families of these young adults that they were moved by these young adults.

Katt Maloney, a current member of the DYA Molloy Chapter and an alum of the Dominican Volunteers program offered a reflection the day’s gospel. “I challenge us from this day forward not to bury our talent like the third servant did, but to seek as the first two did to multiply that talent, invest it in enriching the lives of others so that we may better understand the image in which God has made us.” Katt’s year as a Dominican Volunteer in the United Nations exposed her to many realizations that helped her in her understanding of the Gospel, “I don’t think we are occupying a time in history that lends itself to speaking of pleasantries alone…we must fully immerse ourselves in the struggle for a more equitable world, one more like the kingdom of heaven, in the hopes that our collective fight will bear all seven million of us talents that we can use to create a peace beyond our most fathomable imaginations.”

Click here to listen to Kathleen’s full reflection!

“This was a beautiful and prayerful event for all in attendance”, one sister said. Reflecting on the words of Katt’s reflection one sister said, “She spoke of gifts and certainly she gifted us with her powerful words.” It was very clear from all in attendance that the “Dominican Spirit and Charism were infused in all of them,” said another sister.

After Katt’s reflection came a special part of the November Vespers. The DYA Molloy chapter takes this time for new young adults to commit and returning members to recommit to “living out the four pillars of Dominican Life: prayer, Study, Community, and mission. DYA Molloy proudly welcomed Mary Andrews and Sean Puzzo (a Dominican Volunteer working with the Dominican Youth Movement) as new members and Andrew Abberton, Krystine Abberton, Jessica Abejar, Liz Alarcon, Emily Brierly, Joe Casella, Dan Emerson, Michelle Lithgow, Katt Maloney, Elizabeth Meittinis, Christian Ramos recommitted themselves. At the conclusion of the commitment ceremony, the entire congregation responded by resoundingly accepting their commitment and encouraged them to “stay the course.”

Fifteen young people attended the service with many either committing or recommitting to membership in the organization. We were also overjoyed to have members of this year’s cohort of Dominican Volunteers from New York in attendance.

Sr. Gina, Director of the Dominican Youth Movement, spoke of the event saying, “It was so moving to see how these young people have embodied the Dominican spirit. They have claimed their place in the Dominican Family and they are very proud of it. Oh yes, my sisters, the Dominican Charism is alive and well in our young people and they will pass it on long after we are gone! That is a great sign of HOPE for our future! Our beloved charism is in “Good Hands.”

More photos from the event can be viewed on Facebook here and videos of the event can be viewed here.



The Dominican Youth Movement USA (DYMUSA) is a nationwide non-profit organization connecting youth/young adults to the Dominican Order’s tradition of preaching with their own call to preach. In 2015 DYMUSA brought together five different programs engaging young people of high school age through their young adult years – unifying their support and promoting their collective social impact.

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555 Albany Avenue

Amityville, NY  11701

Att: Sister Gina Fleming, OP

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